Share Your Story

We’re excited to open up proposals to speak at the 2024 Innovators + CommunityLive event. We’re in search of members from our PeopleGrove community to share how they’ve had success in building a vibrant and dynamic platform on their campus.

Proposals Due May 1

Applicants Notified of Decisions on May 15

Speaking Themes

The following are the speaking themes for this year’s event, along with what a successful submission would look like for each theme. 

Promoting the Platform to the Campus Community

Strategies and tactics that have helped you grow the number of users on your PeopleGrove platform and increased awareness of the community across campus. Successful submissions in this category will outline a project or initiative that increased the number of students or alumni users. Submissions must also clearly define a challenge, discuss how the strategy was decided on, any unforeseen challenges in the execution and how you navigated that, and how you tracked results. 

Ensuring Continued Engagement for Student and Alumni Outcomes

Strategies and tactics that encourage continued usage of the PeopleGrove platform once users have joined. Successful submissions in this category will discuss unique ways you are encouraging users to return to the platform and build connections. Special consideration will be given to submissions that outline how institutions are measuring the return on their efforts in this area.

Telling the Story of Your Success

An institution’s overall approach to measuring the impact and success of the PeopleGrove platform on campus. Successful submission in this category will educate attendees on the specific metrics chosen, explain the rationale behind the selection of those metrics, and discuss how they are tracked over time. Special consideration will be given to submissions that outline how these metrics are used to craft a narrative when reporting to office or university leadership.

Each proposal requires:

Proposal Description: 300 words or less

  • Session Summary for Program and Website: 300 characters or less  

  • Three Session Learning Objectives (Attendees will learn…)

We look forward to reading your submissions and learning more about the amazing work you are doing on campus to ensure student and alumni success.